anyway, thanks to my mum and the sheets, i came online and got this picture from ressal! hahaha. one of my good friend from dunearn until now :) yay. mohd ressal bte mohd raffi. ya. u saw it rite. bte. hahah. stupid joke since sec 4. so ressal, fahmie, bernard and i had good times tog in council as presidents. hahhaa. my fave cca in dunearn. if you even consider that as a cca. :) we called ourselves the polar bears coz our blazers were white and tailor made. so it fits us nicely. hahaha. many funny things. esp the blazers. we are all 4 very diff sizes, so just by one look, we can tell which blazer belongs to whose. haha. really fun year. and up till now, we are still in good terms. ok. i duno about ber and the other 2, but i know i still talk to them alot :) really very funny moments with res and fah. hahah. i think i can write a whole post on those really funny moments. hahah.
ok. so here's the picture from ressal. only the 3 of us (fah, res, me). ya. ber left us before we step down. another long story :( . but... enjoy the picture!

ok. look carefully, the background is phoony. LOL! . i'm going to make one again (this time with the 4 of us) in aug. haha. ressal did this out of boredom.
to mohd ressal bte mohd raffi: STUDY LAR. YOUR EXAM IS LIKE SOON. N RETURN MY BOOK! LOL
1 comment:
ahahah basket U mohd ressal BTE mohd raffi!! ahahah
and i really dunno what backgrd to use la! go do la in aug! ahha i will be waiting! ahah
KUKU u!! ur book huh?? WLL!! and and adn get a cbox la!! ahhaah
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